
Senior Session: Taylor

Taylor is such a laid-back, sweet girl! She's naturally beautiful and on top of her inner and outer beauty, she had a totally effortless style. I felt blessed to be able to capture this special time for another high school senior. Thanks, Taylor, for the opportunity to document this time in your life. These are just a few of my favorites, but there are many more to come!

senior images

senior images

senior images

senior images

senior images

senior images

senior images

senior images

senior images

canton ohio senior images


Chris Talamo said...

LOVE THEM! love the one with her by the fence with all the vines, awesome composition! very cool

Chris Talamo said...

LOVE THEM! love the one with her by the fence with all the vines, awesome composition! very cool

craftyGAgal "Meredith" said...

she is naturally pretty...and her sweetness shines through your pictures....awesome job!