
Family Session: Steve, Suzy & Kids

It was so nice meeting and spending time with this adorable family! They have quite a unique story, and I've been so excited to blog about them because I think they're just remarkable. Plus, they're all so cute!

A couple years ago, Steve & Suzy had four beautiful daughters and they had pretty much decided they were done having children. After making this decision, they really felt God calling them to have another baby. While at a restaurant one night, they struck up a conversation with their server, who was pregnant and in the beginning stages of finding an adoptive family for her baby. She asked Steve & Suzy if they would be interested in adopting her baby, and they told her they were! Amazing, right? One conversation led to a relationship with this wonderful young woman who truly loved her son, but wanted a better life for him than what she knew she could provide.

Steve & Suzy were able to journey through the pregnancy with her, taking her to all her appointments, hearing the heartbeat and seeing the first sonogram together, and even being in the delivery room and cutting the cord when Ty was born! They took him home with them the next day and he is now almost 3 months old! The adoption is set to be finalized on October 15th, so please pray that all goes smoothly for them.

Steve & Suzy fully believe that being at that restaurant, that particular night was not a coincidence, but that God brought this young woman and Ty into their lives for a wonderful purpose.













1 comment:

Angie Ochoa said...

WOW! What an amazing story! I just love when God orchestrates things like that. We have a 16 year old son, and have adopted our 3 year old son. We are also in the process of adopting our 10 month old foster daughter. So, of course, this story rings so true for me. God has blessed us with 3 truly amazing and special children. Thanks for sharing this story!